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We examine six thinking processes that determine what we value.  What we value drives our thoughts and actions.  Our thoughts and actions are guided by where we are clear and where we have biases. Armed with this information you will know if your employee is:

Compliant with rules, or beats to his/her own drummer

Capable of thinking outside the box

Thinking about leaving

More focused on him/herself than on your guest or customer

More inclined to think about what needs to be done than doing it

Why personality profiles and training may or may not get you the results you want:

 Personality profiles will tell you who someone is: dominant, expressive,introverted, etc. You may be thinking, “tell me something I don’t already know!”  The Pro-Hospitality Profile will tell you what you don't know and, likely, even what your employees don't know about themselves.
Why doesn’t change in behavior last?

To effect real, long lasting change, “thinking” has to change. To change thinking requires understanding HOW people think.  To know how they think requires objective measurement and a coach.

Most measurements are “subjective”.  Some surveys ask to describe someone else; some ask people to describe themselves.  

Here’s an analogy of those types of profiles

 ·        One asks, “How well does Joe play the piano?” Others answer the question.

 ·        Another asks,“How well do you play the piano?” The person answers themselves.

·        As opposed to asking, the Pro-Hospitality* Survey says, “Play the piano for me”

 Which process will give you the most honest, objective answer? Now we can know, scientifically, not only how people think but how clearly they think and what bias influences their thinking. 

The Process

Employees & candidates appreciate and respect an employer who demonstrates concern for their professional development.  They also appreciate knowing what the process is all about.  Properly introducing the Pro-Hospitality Profile is of utmost importance.

We meet with the executive team to explain how the PHP works and what it does.

  • Determine their perception of where the profile and program can best be applied.
  • Request each individual on the team complete a Pro-Hospitality Profile .

Meet with the management team to review each profile & identify how each impacts productivity, turnover, or whatever the issue may be driving the need for assessment..

Consultant  meets with all employees to introduce the program and process. Profiles are distributed & scored Results are reviewed. Strategic actions plans are developed to target specific & desired results.

Consultant meets with employees individually to review profiles and establish strategies and action plans designed to improve performance or achieve specific, measurable goals.

Consultant meets with executive team to establish strategic guidelines that assimilate data collected from employee consultations. Periodic follow up visits are scheduled with Consultant & team leaders.  Cost is determined when the scope of the project is defined.

Individual Coaching

Employee turnaround program.

12 weeks of personalized coaching.  Includes:

*  4, one hour calls per month for 3 months.

*  Employee takes 2 surveys, one before coaching begins and one at completion of the program.

Goals are established by the Client, Employee and Consultant. Results are guaranteed.  If goals are not met money is refunded to the Client. Cost is typically $2500 for the 12 weeks. 

*The Pro-Hospitality Profile is based on the science of Formal Axiology.  For more information visit: http://www.hartmaninstitute.org/